Friday, August 27, 2010

roar! spokaneosaurus!


The Spokane Indians' mascot is not in fact an Indian, but is what they call the Spokaneosaurus. His name is Otto, and he gets mad if you put your hand in his nose.

There were lots of pre-game activities to take part in, such as free massages and... FACE PAINTING!!

A lot of other girls were walking around wearing beautiful flowers and hearts and such on their cheeks.

Katie and I got mustaches

Katie really didn't mean to get a big blue beard, but the face painter kind of just kept going. She rolled with it, cause she's cool like that.

That's Wes. We all got mustaches.

And lots of interesting comments.

They're just jealous they can't grow a Hitler-stash like me.

The Moody crowd was lively.

We were doing the wave.

Only once did it reach the other end of the stadium. Don't tell anyone that was super exited, but I think it may have been a complete coincidence (an independent wave).

Katie, to the blue man putting plastic bottles and paper in the separate bins: "Hey, way to recycle!"

He turns around.

Little did Katie know, he's RECYCLE MAN.

Katie's downing an ice cream sandwich. They were huge.

Who's that good-looking Moody student in the fedora?

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